#361 Steno Pen Nib
#361 Steno Pen Nib
-70% Off$0.64
Brause Steno dip pen nibs are our all-time best seller, and when we’re testing a new ink here in the studio, we’ll usually grab a Steno. They’re really easy to use because of the fine stub tip—a flat but precise writing surface that moves easily across paper and catches less often than a pointed pen.
The Steno is known for its high ink capacity and its blue color, the combination of which has earned this pen its popular nickname, the “Blue Pumpkin.” The large, bulbous surface easily loads with lots of ink, making Steno a nice choice for drawing or writing, not just calligraphy.
This nib has medium flexibility, meaning that it feels firm against the paper but can flex to several times its narrowest line width when pressure is applied.
Made in Germany.